Galleri NB remains among Denmark's biggest galleries maintaining a strong international profile.
Artistic quality, dynamics, reliability and service are key words for the gallery.
Our mission is to share the passion for valuable art with as many people as possible.
This is the reason we collaborate with Danish and international artists.
Galleri NB was founded in 1987 by Thorkild NB Nielsen and has continuously developed ever since - artistically as well as in proportions and content.
The gallery is located in the central part of Viborg, sustaining a 600 m2 exhibition space and showroom.
Et rigtigt spændende galleri med mange virkelig flotte, spændende, interessante og meget veludførte værker. Hertil kommer at ejerne er utrolig flinke og gerne fortæller om værkerne samt hvorfor de netop har valgt disse kunstnere og filosofien bag. Helt klart et besøg værd.
Stort og lyst galleri centralt i Viborg.Flotte, inspirerende, internationale udstillinger. Meget professionel og venlig service af personalet. Et besøg på stedet er et MUST for kunstkendere og kunstelskere!